Update: All appellate filings must be filed electronically effective July 1, 2016. Paper copies of briefs must also be filed. The number of paper briefs to be filed is set by standing orders issued by the Courts. The number of paper copies of briefs filed in the Minnesota Supreme Court has now been reduced. […]
Justice G. Barry Anderson spoke on e-filing of court documents at a CLE a while back. One topic he mentioned was bookmarks in e-filed PDFs. Here are some of his thoughts now on the subject. Shared with his permission: : “First, the usual and customary caveats—I’m writing solely for myself, we’re in the early stages […]
We are moving rapidly towards e-filing and digitization of Minnesota court filings. More records will be accessible via home computers. Many of those that aren’t available that way will be available from courthouse computers. And from any courthouse computer, so that documents filed in, say, a case docketed in Ramsey County will be available from […]
An advisory committee to the Minnesota Supreme Court has recommended some changes to the Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure. We litigators need to understand two of the proposed changes. One proposed amendment will provide some narrow grounds for rejecting documents for e-filing. For example, pleadings can be rejected if they list the wrong file number […]