• June 6, 2018


Attribution: https://goo.gl/zVNer1

Update (June 6, 2018): We commented recently on the closing of Bar Louie in Minneapolis (see below), openly questioning how this pertained to “News and Commentary about Minnesota Civil Litigation,” which is our subject matter focus.

Apparently, we were prescient. Linked here is a complaint against Bar Louie filed this week in U.S. District Court (D. Minn.). According to the allegations in the thorough and well-written complaint, Bar Louie appeared to have mastered the art of over-serving alcohol and providing no security for the foreseeable bar-fights that would then ensue. And now a Bar Louie patron is paralyzed from the waist down for life, having been shot in the back by another bar customer.

Original post (May 17, 2018) (under the original headline: Good-bye and Good Riddance to Bar Louie in Uptown): About two years ago, we posted about a lawsuit arising out of a bar-close skirmish where “dress code enforcement” seemed troublingly selective and racially motivated at a downtown Minneapolis bar.

We noted in the post, in passing, that Bar Louie in Uptown also had a dress code that seemed to be “code” of a different sort (i.e., thinly veiled racism).

This week, we learn that Bar Louie is shutting its doors for good. Buh-bye! Some might ask why this is appropriate subject matter for Minnesota Litigator, as it is neither “news” nor “commentary” about Minnesota civil litigation.

Maybe not.

But a tremendous amount of U.S. civil litigation (and criminal law, as well, of course) has roots in the country’s long terrible history of racism. From time to time, perhaps it warrants notice that we might be making some progress, slowly but, we hope, surely, in eradicating this noxiousness from our midst.

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