
Ambassador Press, Inc. (“Ambassador”) is a Minnesota-based printing company that went to Durst Image Technology U.S., LLC (“Durst”) to buy a large format printer. As Ambassador discussed the potential purchase with Durst, Ambassador was very concerned about the potential risk of “print head” failures (and the delay and added expense that they would cause, particularly when […]

Update (September 14, 2018): The posts below recount the unfortunate trajectory for Minnesota lawyer, Todd A. Crabtree, and this week, the sentence was meted out for the perceived wrong-doings. One, in particular, caught our eye: Mr. Crabtree is found to have improperly notarized his own document. Query: in a transaction between A and B in […]

If a person allegedly misappropriates copyrighted material, the copyright holder may sue the misappropriator for copyright infringement. If the material is pornography, is the accused infringer entitled to additional protections because pornography consumption is widely viewed as private and embarrassing? Apparently, the answer is, “Yes.” According to his lawyers, Mr. Greg Lansky, an owner of […]

As connoisseurs of 1970’s British ridiculousness know very well (indeed, some by memory): THINGS END BADLY WHEN YOU SELL CHEESE THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE. Unfortunately, Minerva Dairy seems to have missed that lesson. North Central agreed four times to buy cheese from Minerva Dairy. North Central agreed to buy the cheese (at a set price, […]

The linked decision this week of the Minnesota Court of Appeals is of interest in at least two ways. First, we have posted at great length about the tendency of Minnesota courts (state and federal) to give attorneys’ fee petitions “haircuts” but we were happy to see the linked decision in which the district court […]

We recently discussed the complex relationship between art and money but, as complicated as that is, it is nothing compared with the relationship between love and money. As many of us know from personal or professional experience, intra-family money battles give off volatile, highly combustible, and, sometimes, even seemingly intoxicating fumes, that addle, torture, and […]

Catrina Johnson called the police because her teenage son was out of control and she feared for her physical safety. The police arrived. Her son, unfortunately, was unable to gain control of himself even after the police came to the scene. The police had to restrain and handcuff him forcefully. In the struggle to restrain […]

Visual artists in the United States, defined as people who create unique and original visual experiences in any physical medium, are to capitalism as hedge fund managers are to socialism. You can argue there is a positive correlation if you like, but it’s much easier to argue the negative. Some would argue that the relationship between […]

Some Minnesota Litigator posts appeal to a broad readership. This is not one of them. If you are not a trial lawyer, you should probably stop reading here. The Schwendiman v. Arkwright patent infringement lawsuit started on April Fool’s Day, 2011. Schendiman won a $2,624,228 jury verdict on October 18, 2017. Although this is a significant […]

Update (August 16, 2018): Predictably, plaintiff’s counsel in the case described below want to keep the defense lawyers in the ring, or at least to avoid any delay caused by the lawyers’ attempt to thrown in the towel. Update (August 10, 2018): Things have gone from bad to worse for Defendants, Geckobyte and R. Tiegen Fryberger, […]