Sometimes the coincidence of a couple of court decisions released around the same time can cause one to wonder. Two recent decisions involving alleged misbehavior by chiropractors (here and here).
Ever spent some aggravating minutes when you have little or no time to spare looking for a document on a messy desk? Imagine having to find a document somewhere among, say, 35,000 desks… E-discovery is to large U.S. litigation like air traffic control is to modern aviation. You don’t want to think very much about […]
A recent denial of a motion for summary judgment before U.S. District Court Judge Paul A. Magnuson (Sr. Judge, D. Minn.) provides a good illustration of how the domino sequence of our recent economic collapse has generated litigation. And the decision, perhaps, also illustrates why it might sometimes be in the interest of your business […]
As previously covered on Minnesota Litigator here, Plaintiff Pawn America was well on its way to opening a pawn shop in St. Louis Park (“SLP”) but residents got wind of the plan, voiced their opposition, and SLP’s Mayor and City Council imposed an “interim moratorium” on the issuance of pawn shop licences, stopping Pawn America […]
As previously covered here on Minnesota Litigator, Brian Williams argued before a Hennepin County jury that he sacrificed a great deal in reliance on a representation by his then-employer Heins Mills & Olson (HMO) that he would receive 5% of the class action bonanza enjoyed by that firm in the AOL Time Warner securities fraud […]
From time to time, Minnesota courts remind us that case schedules are sometimes read and applied strictly. In the long-standing District of Minnesota case of Nicollet Cattle Co. v. United Food Group (“UFG”), U.S. District Court Judge John R. Tunheim (D. Minn.) recently issued the latest reminder. In November, 2009, UFG changed trial lawyers and […]
As covered previously on Minnesota Litigator, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit revived claims of anti-consumerist protesters (dressed as “zombies”). The City of Minneapolis faced a lawsuit for its treatment of seven protesters who peacefully sought to protest our consumerist, materialistic culture. The City had prevailed before U.S. District Court Judge Joan […]
StarTribune has the story. This was announced within the hour at Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi, which represented a number of the victims.
On June 30, 2005, a trucker rolled his rig in Carlton County, Minnesota and his passenger was injured, her arm amputated as a result of the accident. Multiple insurance policies arguably provided coverage for the passenger’s liability claims against the trucker and the company for whom he was hauling at the time. You might be […]
On paper, the legal hurdle for obtaining punitive damages in civil litigation in Minnesota does not look very high. As all Minnesota civil litigators know, one’s original complaint must not include a claim for punitive damages. One must bring a motion to amend the complaint to add one. When bringing that motion, one only needs […]