There are websites dedicated to a single legal matter (like the one here). Minnesota Litigator, while indisputably a “niche” blog, is not quite so narrow as that. On the other hand, there is a single case that seems to draw Minnesota Litigator again and again, nick-named: OUROBOROS (the name of the ancient symbol of the circular […]
Minn. Stat. 544.42, Subd. 2, the Minnesota professional malpractice statute provides: In an action against a professional alleging negligence or malpractice in rendering a professional service where expert testimony is to be used by a party to establish a prima facie case, the party must…. After that ellipse (the “…”), the statute goes on to […]
UBS Financial Services, Inc. filed a lawsuit this week in U.S. federal court against Anthony Ostlund Baer & Louwagie, P.A. claiming that, contrary to applicable ethical standards of professional conduct, AOBL, having represented USBFS is now suing USBFS in a “substantially related” case. USBFS seeks an injunction against AOBL knocking them out of the later […]
On VentureBeat, Minnesota Litigator noted the survey/ad below today from Twin Cities powerhouse law firm (and alma mater) Dorsey & Whitney LLP. The page also had an ad for Greenberg Traurig. Seems like a new rain-making strategy.
Notwithstanding that the citation of foreign sources is deemed by some to be controversial, Case Management Master D.E. Short of the Superior Court of Justice – Ontario has gone out on a limb and honored Minnesota Litigator with a mention at p.7 of the linked opinion, citing Minnesota Litigator’s discussion last October of the adage, “a […]
Long-time readers of Minnesota Litigator may recall reference to a case concerning the common paradox of commercial litigants both arguing that a contract is “unambiguous” with diametrically opposed explanations. This was a case where the declaratory judgment plaintiff won before U.S. District Court Judge Ann D. Montogomery (D. Minn.) but its request for award of […]
Pharmaceutical and medical device companies are in business to make money by providing medicine, treatments, or devices that promote health, of course. It would take a profound cynicism on the one hand (if one were to argue they do not wish to promote health) or profound idealism on the other hand (if one were to […]
In July of 2008, a complaint was brought against several companies by a whistle-blower under the Federal False Claims Act, alleging that hard disk manufacturers were falsely representing their products sold to the U.S. government as made in the U.S.A. when, in fact, they were made overseas. For reasons unknown to Minnesota Litigator, here we […]
When most people think of Minnesota, they think of cold winters, Scandinavian heritage, “the state of hockey,” and so on, but when human resources professionals or mental health professionals nationwide think of Minnesota, they think of the MMPI (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory) (or maybe Hazelden?). The MMPI has been a basic staple in the “reality […]
Ask Larry Craig, he’ll vouch for that. Other evidence supporting the subject line’s proposition: this week Sr. U.S. District Court Judge Richard H. Kyle (D. Minn.) filed a “Suggestion of Remand” to the Judicial Panel on Multidistrict Litigation (the “JPML“), requesting that the “body odor won’t go away no matter what you say” (A.L.S. Enterprises […]