A business called British Confectionary (“BC”) in Newfoundland makes Canadian lottery or “pull-tab” tickets (and other “games of no chance” for casinos, apparently). Multifeeder (“MF”) is a Minnesota company that makes machines used in the printing process. BC allegedly agreed to buy an $800,000+ system, then added some features, made on-the-fly design changes (increasing the cost), paid […]
In Moore v Publicis Groupe & MSL Group, U.S. Magistrate Judge Andrew Peck (U.S. Magistrate Judge, Southern District of New York) recognized “that computer-assisted review is an acceptable way to search for relevant ESI in appropriate cases,” which could have important ramifications for the punishingly expensive process of document review in all large U.S. civil […]
Update (March 2, 2012): Jim Hammerand of the Mpls/St. P. Business Journal notes recent departures of some prominent lawyers at Faegre Baker Daniels. (And Steve Allison, head of Dorsey & Whitney’s litigation group in its Orange County, California office, has recently moved to competitor Crowell & Moring.) Original post (February 7, 2012): As the previous […]
As covered late last week in the Minneapolis Star Tribune, a man named Chris Kyle wrote a book in which there is a brief passage where the author claims to have decked former Minnesota Governor and former Navy Seal Jesse “The Body” Ventura in a bar fight. In the book, Kyle did not refer to […]
A $200,000 garden variety commercial dispute between two small-to-medium sized businesses (annual revenues of $5 million-$50 million) is too much money to ignore but may be too little to sue over, given the costs of civil litigation. What are a litigant and its lawyers to do? First, the parties, their lawyers, and court together should set […]
Update (February 29, 2012): The Minnesota Supreme Court today upheld the decision of the Court of Appeals in the Rohmiller case. Update (June 22, 2011): The Minnesota Supreme Court has now granted a petition for review of the Rohmiller case discussed below. The grant of the petition interestingly coincides with another case that came down […]
Former U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice William H. Rehnquist started a dissent in 1986 saying, “I write only to add that it would be difficult to find a better example of legal nonsense than the fixing of attorney’s fees by a judge at $245,456.25 for the recovery of $33,350 damages.” The expression “squaring the circle” is sometimes used as a […]
Update #2 (February 27, 2012): [Note from Editor: Depo International has contacted Minnesota Litigator and asked that its rates be removed from this post. Minnesota Litigator has voluntarily removed the pricing pursuant to the caller’s request. Suffice it to say that there is variation among fees/charges of court reporting agencies and lawyers and their clients may […]
On October 20, 2007, after a frenzied two-day effort to save Minnesotan Michael Kramer, Kramer died in a St. Cloud hospital from thrombocytopenia, a condition where patients have a shortage of platelets, an ingredient in blood essential to clotting. Without platelets, one can die from internal bleeding. About two years later, well within the three-year […]
Update (2/27/2012): Litigation Reminder: don’t make stuff up. It is against the rules for lawyers to make stuff up. If a lawyer succumbs in the heat of the moment (or is misled by a client), then after cool-down (or after independent investigation), yank (withdraw) the baseless allegations. The linked opinion by U.S. District Court Judge […]