The National Transportation Safety Board or “NTSB” quite definitively laid responsibility for the tragic collapse of the Interstate 35W bridge in Minneapolis on August 1, 2007 on an initial design error decades before. The state of Minnesota sought to impose liability on the initial designers and passed legislation to enable the state to recover against […]

The picture-to-word exchange rate has historically been 1 picture:1,000 words although this ratio may have changed recently. What are 1,000 Minnesota Litigator posts worth?  Pretty hard to measure.  

Minnesota Public Radio recently reported that CURE‘s Duane Ninneman: said the quarry would cause environmental and economic damage.  ‘It will have a direct impact on people who live close to the quarry.  And that’s what we’ve been doing from the beginning, is representing their interests…We feel that their property values are in jeopardy.  And that their […]

Governor Mark Dayton today informed Speaker of the House, Kurt Zellers, that he would not sign HF 322, the “Equal and Shared Parenting Act.”  This Act would have created a rebuttable presumption under state law that each parent would be entitled to at least 45.1% parenting time with his or her children.  This presumption could […]

Not long ago, it would have been absurd to imagine an employee of a large company leaving confidential health care records of 25,000 people in his rental car (at risk of being lost or stolen).  But that is what happened in July of 2011 in Minneapolis’ Seven Corners neighborhood to Accretive Health, Inc. and the fallout […]

Update (May 21, 2012):  The jury reached a verdict in this hard-fought and expensive civil litigation between two top Twin Cities litigation firms and lawyers, awarding the plaintiffs just under $10 million in a dispute that could be boiled down to this question:  did the Minnesota boat companies reject their purchases of fancy Turkish yachts […]

Update #2 (May 18, 2012): The U.S. Court of Appeals agreed with Sr. U.S. District Court Judge David S. Doty (D. Minn.).  Plaintiff E-Shop’s allegations against U.S. Bank were too much speculation and not enough factual allegation.  So, the court held, plaintiff’s class action complaint was appropriately dismissed.  U.S. Bank was represented by Dorsey & […]

Apparently, it is all about sulfates.  This chemical is a mining byproduct and wild rice is not partial to it (or vice versa). Notch a win for public interest lawyer, Paula Maccabee, as she and her client, WaterLegacy, prevailed (at least for now) over the Chamber of Commerce (the “CoC”) (represented by Thad Lightfoot) in […]

There are many non-English speakers among us from Central and South America some of whom come to this country without much of an understanding of our legal system.  Enter: Linea Latina de Accidentes, which sends out information throughout the metropolitan Spanish-speaking community and beyond with wholesome civic gatherings such as  “Babe Night” at El Nuevo Rodeo […]

The State will be losing a thorough, insightful, and dedicated jurist as Associate Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Helen Meyer has announced her retirement.  Undoubtedly the jockeying for her replacement has quietly begun. And in unrelated news of this past week, the cap for conciliation court, Minnesota’s “small claims court,” will go from $7,500 to $10,000 […]