Around this time of the year, Minnesota lawyers are starting to receive questions from the most diligent voters. Who is running for judge and who should they vote for? This year is particularly challenging since the League of Women Voters is not publishing its voter guide because its funder (Target) dropped out. So a usual […]

Here is a situation that all experienced trial lawyers get to enjoy one time or another, though, fortunately, not all that often: a trial court gets a basic legal ruling completely wrong forcing a litigant to go through civil discovery, followed by a trial, followed by an adverse jury verdict, followed by reversal of the basis legal […]

Minnesota Litigator has profiled a bunch of Minnesota civil litigators because there are many highly talented and exceptional Minnesota litigators whose practices are in narrow areas of law so their reputations are not as well-spread as their excellence deserves. Twin Cities litigator Stephen L. Smith stands out as an advocate for many reasons but, unlike all […]


Update (October 27, 2014): This civil litigation, filed in August, 2012, appears to have gone disastrously for Target. As the earlier posts below set out, Target felt it was victimized by a paving pricing conspiracy but many of the defendants in the case have dropped out or have been dismissed all along the way. And within […]

Credit the Rochester Post-Bulletin reporter Jeff Kiger for this story from Olmsted County (and thanks ELG for cluing me in!). Dr. Franklin Cockerill got all choked up and teary about leaving Mayo Collaborative Services (“MCS”) after 30 years with Mayo and talked about retiring to help his elderly mother manage the family business in Nebraska. The […]

Previously on Minnesota Litigator, we have covered the battle between Superior Edge, Inc. (“SEI”) and Monsanto (here, linked, is SEI’s complaint and U.S. District Court Judge John R. Tunheim’s (D. Minn.) denial in large part of SEI’s motion to dismiss). Now SEI will be dealing with a new case brought by Mr. Daniel Ochylski in […]

Update (October 22, 2014):  Congratulations to Katherine Mackinnon on the (partial) win! “I am so excited right now, I could launch into the stratosphere,” Mackinnon tells me. This is a big win for Mackinnon, her client, and all Minnesota insureds. Update (February 4, 2014): Is it possible that a person might forget about some doctor’s […]

When I first started the practice of personal injury law some thirty years ago, there seemed to be a bedrock consensus about certain principles of law and procedure underlying the civil justice system. Lawyers and judges of all stripes tended to agree to them.  One of those ideas was the oft recited mantra in court […]

Update (October 21, 2014): Today Minnesota Lawyer quoted Minnesota Supreme Court Justice Barry Anderson following up on a Minnesota Lawyer post that, in turn, followed up on my Minnesota Litigator post below (link here, behind a paywall to the Minnesota Lawyer post). Minnesota Lawyer quotes Justice Anderson is as saying, “To the extent that there is a suggestion that […]

Bill Dossett is the Executive Director of NiceRide Minnesota. But he was not born that way. Bill’s professional evolution should inspire litigators and other lawyers, who, like Bill, have thought about whether there aren’t other rewarding opportunities out there after years in the practice of law. U.S. lawyers are living in unprecedented times. There has been sharp […]