A straight-up clusterf***k recently blew up in a pretty weird case pending in U.S. District Court for the District of Minnesota. In the case, a man, Kearns, bought stained glass windows from a church in Michigan. He had them shipped to his home in Maryland and then subsequently died. The windows were later reported stolen. Law enforcement was called […]

Plaintiffs Henry Watkins and Kevin Cross worked for “I.G. Incorporated, d/b/a Industrial Staffing” and/or they worked for “TFG, LLC d/b/a Industrial Staffing.” (This shell game of employers was one of many hurdles plaintiffs faced in their lawsuit.) Plaintiffs’ job was to clean up a Target Field, a Minneapolis sports facility, after events. Their work-day would start […]

Justice G. Barry Anderson spoke on e-filing of court documents at a CLE a while back.  One topic he mentioned was bookmarks in e-filed PDFs.  Here are some of his thoughts now on the subject.  Shared with his permission:  : “First, the usual and customary caveats—I’m writing solely for myself, we’re in the early stages […]

Now that we are moving to e-filing of court documents, there are some new needs to make briefs and memos effective. And some new tools are available. Two of them are hyperlinks and bookmarks. We are all familiar with hyperlinks (like this.) Clicking on a hyperlink will take the reader to a new page. Our […]

Minnesota Litigator covered the protracted and hard-fought battle of Ellen Ewald vs. the Royal Norwegian at some length, which culminated in U.S. District Court Judge Susan R. Nelson’s (D. Minn.) 191-page findings of fact and conclusions of law by Judge Nelson and a win for Plaintiff Ewald. The Equal Pay Act provides for an award […]

You might not want a compilation of every ______ between the ages of ____ and _____, of ______ethnic origin, who suffers from _________. But many people and many businesses want “slices” of potential customer groups like this and they will pay a lot of money for these slices because they will make a lot more money […]

Another benefit from last week’s meeting between the Hennepin County trial court judges and Hennepin County lawyers was learning about Judge McShane’s linked list. These are excellent rules for all trial lawyers to review before heading into trial before anyone. Certainly some of the rules are inapplicable before other judges. (Some judges do not apply […]

Last week, the Minneapolis powerhouse of Faegre Baker Daniels hosted an HCBA CLE: Civil Litigation and Bench & Bar: Things that Lawyers Do that Drive Judges Crazy and Vice-Versa. The following Hennepin judges generously gave their time to this bench/bar get-together: Judges Diane Bratvold, John McShane, Tom Fraser, James Moore, Daniel Mabley, Margaret “Peg” Daly, Bill Fisher and Ivy […]

In an insurance coverage dispute titled Select Comfort v. Arrowood Indemnity Co., Select Comfort sought information from Arrowood, the insurer, on how much the insurer had paid lawyers in other cases in the Northern District of California for other insured claims. In response to Select Comfort’s discovery request, Arrowood argued the information was “irrelevant, protected by attorney-client […]

Update (April 8, 2015): Phew (for the plaintiffs and their lawyers in the case described below). The Minnesota Supreme Court affirmed the Court of Appeals’ decision which had reversed a devastating dismissal at the trial court for a supposed failure to meet service of process requirements timely (Minn. Stat. 45.028). Update (June 27, 2014): Gulp. The […]